In a distant land, where little is known, is exactly where the adventure of a sweet and young girl called Dorothy begins. In search of returning home, she embarks on a mysterious world, with witches, magical beings, and many challenges. Together with her confidant pet Toto, she faces the Land of Oz and makes good friends.
Explore this fantasy world with Iron Studios statues! We've selected an item that will take your collection to another level. Check it out!
Wow is Dorothy?
Young Dorothy resides with her aunt, uncle, and her dog Toto in a simple, humble farmhouse in Kansas. Dorothy is astonished when her house is swept into another world by a cyclone. She finds herself lost and, accompanied only by Toto, discovers that she is in the Land of Oz.
Determined to return home, she seeks out the Wizard of Oz, the one who can help her get back to her home. Following the yellow brick road toward the Emerald City, she encounters characters such as the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion. Each one with their desire, they face together all the imaginary challenges to get where they want to go.
A story that has left its legacy since 1900,
Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum. Considered a children's tale, it also became a beloved musical in theaters, enchanting audiences of all ages.
Exploring the Dorothy Deluxe Statue
With detailed craftsmanship, just like the story itself, Iron Studios' pieces will stir your emotions, creating such a connection that even those who don't collect will want to start.
Figure details
From the Art Scale range, the luxury statue exudes elegance, measuring 21 cm high, 11 cm wide, and 19 cm deep, weighing approximately 1 kg. Iron Studios has demonstrated an understanding of collectors' tastes. At a scale of 1/10, you have a perfect replica of our Young Dorothy and her friend Toto.
Special Features
For Wizard of Oz lovers, the smallest details make all the difference!
Iron Studios has meticulously taken care of every detail, from head to toe. Dorothy's story is vividly portrayed through the witch's magic shoes, her plaid dress, her curly hair, her basket of groceries, and, of course, her loyal companion Toto.
Walking towards the Emerald City, we feel the movement, even though the figure is static. With a scenery that brings the characters to life, we feel like we're joining Dorothy on her journey.
Materials and finishing
Crafted with high-quality materials like polystone, the finishes on this luxury piece allow us to spend hours admiring it. Perfection is in the hair, the clothing, the fingers, and even in the fold of the socks and the girl's perfect smile. All the lightness and sweetness are beautifully represented! Toto also charms, walking alongside his faithful friend. The details and finishes are incredible!
Base and accessories
With a base that forms part of the scenery, Dorothy continues her journey along the yellow bricks with Toto. We can see a small path that has a path already traveled, and the Emerald City in the background, with flowers and grass on the ground. The base also has a kind of coat of arms with the name "Wizard of Oz" carved in gold color.
Take advantage of your ride to the land of the Wizard of Oz and secure your Dorothy Deluxe piece from Iron Studios today. With different payment methods, you can pay in up to 8 installments. Follow your heart's desires and treat yourself to an authentic, quality product. It's limited! We're waiting for you!